[ Second language psycholinguistics ]




Conference presentations
Plenaries and Keynotes
Invited lectures


(pdfs on request if not available here)

This list is being currently updated (January 2023). Stay tuned!

2023/forthcoming/submitted/under review

Darcy, I. & Iverson, M. (in progress) Standard Analysis Procedures for preparation of datasets and analysis with R code. SLPL OER. [Link will be added later]

Brakovec, H., Alcorn, S., & Darcy, I. (in progress) The acute importance of accent marks: Lexical encoding of L2 Portuguese mid-vowel contrasts in bilinguals.

Darcy, I. & Bedinghaus, R. (in progress) Rapid lexical updates in a second language: The case of a dialectal variant in L2 Spanish.

Kojima, C., & Darcy, I. (planned). The long and the short of it: Lexical acquisition of the length contrast in L2 Japanese.

Mora, J.-C., & Darcy, I. (submitted). Individual differences in attention control and the processing of phonological contrasts in a second language.

Scott, J. H. G. & Darcy, I. (in press) Prosodic location modulates listeners' perception of novel German sounds. Laboratory Phonology

Gökgöz-Kurt, B. & Darcy, I. (under review) Helping learners listen: an explicit teaching module for connected speech.

Darcy I.; Rocca B. (in press) Comprehensibility improvements in integrated pronunciation instruction: a comparison of instruction methods and task effects. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation

Darcy, I. & Rothgerber, J. (submitted 2022) Phonological processing and lexical encoding in bilingual speech. In Mark Amengual (Ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Phonetics and Phonology.

Gordon, J. & Darcy, I. (published) Teaching Segmentals and Suprasegmentals: Effects of Explicit Pronunciation Instruction on Comprehensibility, Fluency, and Accentedness. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation

Schaefer, V. & Darcy, I. (2022). Speak locally, listen globally: Training listeners to understand the diverse accents of Englishes around the world. In M. D. Devereaux, & C. C. Palmer (Eds.), Teaching English Language Variation in the Global Classroom: Models and Lessons from Around the World (pp. 113-122). New York: Routledge.

Phillips, S.; Aguilar, A.; Alt, H.; Darcy, I. (in press)(xxxx) Pause for thought (groups): non-native pausing behavior and ease of processing of L2 speech. Proceedings of the 2020 Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference

Darcy, I. (2021). From fuzzy to fine-grained representations in the developing lexicon. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 25, 206-207. [peer commentary] https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728921000572

Simonchyk, A. & Darcy, I. (2021) Development of production skills in the absence of precise phonolexical representations. Second Language Research (online first). https://doi.org/10.1177/02676583211066291

Daidone, D., & Darcy, I. (2021). Vocabulary Size Is a Key Factor in Predicting Second Language Lexical Encoding Accuracy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(2769). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.688356

Darcy, I., Rocca, B., & Hancock, Z. (2021) A window into the classroom: How teachers integrate pronunciation instruction. RELC Journal 52(1), 110-127. doi: 10.1177/0033688220964269

Darcy, I. (2020) Protocol for Remote Testing for the Second Language Psycholinguistics Lab. SLPL OER. Available at https://psycholinguistics.indiana.edu/home.htm

Darcy, I., Rocca, B., Hancock, Z., and Lee, S. (2020). Do individual differences in stress perception and in selective attention relate to improvements in spontaneous speech? Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen (FLuL) 49(2), 28-45. doi:10.2357/FLuL-2020-0017

Schaefer, V., & Darcy, I. (2020). Applying a newly learned second language dimension to the unknown: The influence of second language Mandarin tones on the naïve perception of Thai tones. Psychology of Language and Communication, 24(1), 90-123. doi:10.2478/plc-2020-0007

Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N. (2020) The Hoosier Vocal Emotions Corpus: A validated set of North American English pseudo-words for evaluating emotion processing. Behavior Research Methods 52, 901-917. doi:10.3758/s13428-019-01288-0.

Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N. (2019) The Hoosier Vocal Emotions Corpus: A validated set of North American English pseudo-words for evaluating emotion processing. Behavior Research Methods (Online first, September 2019, doi.org/10.3758/s13428-019-01288-0)

Schaefer, V., & Darcy, I. (2019). Fried persimmons and dried oysters or why teaching pitch accent matters: A practical guide for teachers of Japanese as a foreign language. The Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, 26, 127-159.

Darcy, I., & Thomas, T. (2019). When blue is a disyllabic word: Perceptual epenthesis in the mental lexicon of second language learners. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 22(5), 1141-1159. doi:10.1017/S1366728918001050

Darcy, I. & Holliday, J. J. (2019). Teaching an old work new tricks: Phonological updates in the L2 mental lexicon. In J. Levis, C. Nagle, & E. Todey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Ames, IA, September 2018 (pp. 10-26). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

Gordon, J., & Darcy, I. (2019). Teaching segmentals vs. suprasegmentals: Different effects of explicit instruction on comprehensibility. In J. Levis, C. Nagle, & E. Todey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Ames, IA, September 2018 (pp. 116-126). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

Schaefer V, Darcy I, Abe L. (2018) The distress in not stressing and destressing stress in English: Using wordplay to boost awareness, intelligibility, and communicative competence. TESOL Journal, e411. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.411

Hoyniak, C. P., Bates, J. E., Petersen, I. T., Yang, C.-L., Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N. M. G. (2018). Diminished Neural Responses to Emotionally Valenced Facial Stimuli: A Potential Biomarker for Unemotional Traits in Early Childhood. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. doi:10.1007/s10578-018-0821-9

Holliday, J. (submitted) Second language experience can hinder the discrimination of non-native contrasts.

Simonchyk, A., & Darcy, I. (2018) The Effect of Orthography on the Lexical Encoding of Palatalized Consonants in L2 Russian. Language and Speech, 61(4), 522-546. doi: 10.1177/0023830918761490

Darcy, I. (2018) Powerful and Effective Pronunciation Instruction: How Can We Achieve It? CATESOL Journal, 30, 13-45.

Williams, J. T., Darcy, I., & Newman, S. D. (2018). Neural substrates of sign language vocabulary processing in less-skilled hearing M2L2 signers: Evidence for difficult phonological movement perception. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21(3), 550-562. doi:10.1017/S1366728917000347

Mora, J.-C. & Darcy, I. (2017) The relationship between cognitive control and pronunciation in a second language. In Talia Isaacs and Pavel Trofimovich (Eds). Second Language Pronunciation Assessment: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 95-120). Bristol: Multilingual Matters

Darcy, I., Tremblay, A., & Simonet, M. (2017). Editorial: Phonology in the Bilingual and Bidialectal Lexicon. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(507). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00507

Hoyniak, C. P., Bates, J. E., Petersen, I. T., Yang, C.-L., Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N. M. G. (2017) Reduced neural responses to vocal fear: a potential biomarker for callous-uncaring traits in early childhood. Developmental Science, e12608-n/a. doi:10.1111/desc.12608

Williams, J. T., Darcy, I., & Newman, S. D. (2017). The Beneficial Role of L1 Spoken Language Skills on Initial L2 Sign Language Learning: Cognitive and Linguistic Predictors of M2L2 Acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39, 833-850. doi:10.1017/S0272263116000322

Williams, J. T., Darcy, I., & Newman, S. D. (2016). Bimodal bilingualism as multisensory training?: Evidence for improved audiovisual speech perception after sign language exposure. Brain Research, 1633, 101-110. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2015.12.046.

Simonchyk, A. & Darcy, I. (2017) Lexical encoding and perception of palatalized consonants in L2 Russian. In M. O'Brien & J. Levis (Eds). Proceedings of the 8th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Calgary, AB, August 2016 (pp. 121-132). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

Darcy, I., Mora, J.-C., & Daidone, D. (2016). The role of inhibitory control in acquiring a new phonological system. Language Learning, 66, 741-773. doi:10.1111/lang.12161. Materials available on IRIS.

Darcy, I. & Mora, J.-C. (2016) Executive control and phonological processing in balanced and unbalanced bilinguals. In Gisela Gra�ena, Daniel O. Jackson, and Yucel Yilmaz (Eds). Cognitive Individual Differences in L2 Processing and Acquisition (pp. 249-277). John Benjamins (Bilingual Processing and Acquisition series)

Gordon, J. & Darcy, I. (2016). The development of comprehensible speech in L2 learners. A classroom study on the effects of short-term pronunciation instruction. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 2, 56-92.

Szenkovits, G., Darma, Q., Darcy, I., & Ramus, F. (2016). Exploring dyslexics' phonological deficit II: Phonological grammar. First Language, 36, 316-337. doi: doi:10.1177/0142723716648841

Williams, J. T., Darcy, I., & Newman, S. D. (2016). The Beneficial Role of L1 Spoken Language Skills on Initial L2 Sign Language Learning: Cognitive and Linguistic Predictors of M2L2 Acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.[Online first view] doi:10.1017/S0272263116000322

Williams, J.T., Darcy, I., Newman, S.D. (2016). Modality-specific processing precedes amodal linguistic processing during L2 sign language acquisition: a longitudinal study. Cortex, 75, 56-67. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2015.11.015

Darcy, I. (2016) Review of Pronunciation Fundamentals. Evidence-based perspectives for L2 teaching and research (by Tracey M. Derwing and Murray J. Munro). Journal of Second Language Pronunciation2, 285-288. doi: 10.1075/jslp.2.2.09dar

Editor of a Research Topic in Frontiers in Psychology: Darcy, I., Simonet, M., & Tremblay, A. (Eds.) Phonology in the bilingual and bidialectal mental lexicon. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 2016: Link to the Research Topic.

Simonchyk, A., & Darcy, I. (2015). Acquisition of word-final devoicing by American learners of Russian. In J. Levis, R. Mohammed, M. Qian & Z. Zhou (Eds). Proceedings of the 6th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference (ISSN 2380-9566), Santa Barbara, CA (pp. 85-94). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

Schaefer, V., & Darcy, I. (2015). A communicative approach and dialect exposure enhance pitch accent awareness by learners of Japanese (Teaching Tip). In J. Levis, R. Mohammed, M. Qian & Z. Zhou (Eds). Proceedings of the 6th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference (ISSN 2380-9566), Santa Barbara, CA (pp. 285-296). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

Yang, C-L, & Darcy, I. (2015) The effect of the orthographic depth of English vowels and consonants on the learning of free variation in an artificial language. Proceedings of the 51st annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society.

Darcy, I., & Mora, Joan C. (2015) Tongue movement in a second language: the case of Spanish /ei/-/e/ for English learners of Spanish. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: Glasgow University.

Sicola, L., & Darcy, I. (2015). Integrating Pronunciation into the Language Classroom. In M. Reed & J. M. Levis (Eds.), The Handbook of English Pronunciation (pp. 471-487). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Darcy, I., Daidone, D., & Kojima, C. (2015). Asymmetric lexical access and fuzzy lexical representations in second language learners. In G. Jarema & G. Libben (Eds.),Phonological and phonetic considerations of lexical processing (pp. 119-167). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
NOTE: This is a reprint of our previously published journal article (Mental Lexicon, 2013).

Holliday, J. & Turnbull, R. (2015) Effects of phonological neighborhood density on word production in Korean. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: Glasgow University.

Daidone, D., Lidster, R., & Krueger, F. (2015) Perceptual assimilation and free classification of German vowels by American English listeners. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: Glasgow University.

Darcy, I., Park, H., & Yang, C.-L. (2015). Individual differences in L2 acquisition of English phonology: The relation between cognitive abilities and phonological processing. Learning and Individual Differences, 40, 63-72. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2015.04.005

Williams, J.T., Darcy, I., & Newman, S.D. (2015). Modality-independent neural mechanisms for novel phonetic processing. Brain Research, 1620, 107-115. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.05.014

Williams, J.T., & Darcy, I., & Newman, S.D. (2015).Second language working memory deficits and plasticity in hearing bimodal learners of sign language. Psychology of Language & Communication, 19(2), 128-148. doi: 10.1515/plc-2015-0008.

Williams, J.T., Darcy, I., & Newman, S.D. (2015). Fingerspelling and print similarities in deaf and hearing readers. Journal of Language and Literature, 6(1), 56-65

Schaefer, V. & Darcy, I. (2014). Lexical function of pitch in the first language shapes cross-linguistic perception of Thai tones. Laboratory Phonology, 5 (4), 489-522, DOI: 10.1515/lp-2014-0016;

Holliday, J. J. (2014). The perceptual assimilation of Korean obstruents by native Mandarin listeners. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135 (3),1585-595.

Darcy, I., & Feldhausen, I. (2014). Französisch [French]. In M. Krifka, J. Blaszczak, A. Leßmöllmann, A. Meinunger, B. Stiebels, R. Tracy & H. Truckenbrodt (Eds.), Das mehrsprachige Klassenzimmer [The multilingual classroom] (pp. 321-346). Berlin: Springer.

Darcy, I., Mora, Joan C., and Daidone, D. (2014). Attention control and inhibition influence phonological development in a second language. Concordia Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, Volume 5, March 2014, pp 115-129

Schaefer, V. and Darcy, I. (2014). Pitch prominence matters: Perception of Thai tones by Seoul Korean and Kyungsang Korean speakers. Concordia Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, Volume 5, March 2014, pp 597-611

Schaefer, V. & Darcy, I. (2014). Typological differences in L1 pitch shape naive perception of Thai tones. In Selected Proceedings of the 2012 Second Language Research Forum, ed. Ryan T. Miller, Katherine I. Martin, Chelsea M. Eddington, Ashlie Henery, Nausica Marcos Miguel, Alison Tseng, Alba Tuninetti, and Daniel Walter, Cascadilla Proceedings Project. [Uncorrected proofs]

Daidone, D., & Darcy, I. (2014). Quierro Comprar una Guitara: Lexical Encoding of the Tap and Trill by L2 Learners of Spanish. In Selected Proceedings of the 2012 Second Language Research Forum, ed. Ryan T. Miller, Katherine I. Martin, Chelsea M. Eddington, Ashlie Henery, Nausica Marcos Miguel, Alison Tseng, Alba Tuninetti, and Daniel Walter, Cascadilla Proceedings Project. [Uncorrected proofs]

Kojima, C., & Darcy, I. (2014). Learners' Proficiency and Lexical Encoding of the Geminate / Non-geminate Contrast in Japanese. In Selected Proceedings of the 2012 Second Language Research Forum, ed. Ryan T. Miller, Katherine I. Martin, Chelsea M. Eddington, Ashlie Henery, Nausica Marcos Miguel, Alison Tseng, Alba Tuninetti, and Daniel Walter, Cascadilla Proceedings Project. [Uncorrected proofs]


Darcy, I., Daidone, D., & Kojima, C. (2013). Asymmetric lexical access and fuzzy lexical representations in second language learners. The Mental Lexicon, 8(3), 372-420.

Gordon, J., Darcy, I., & Ewert, D. (2013). Pronunciation teaching and learning: Effects of explicit phonetic instruction in the L2 classroom. In J. Levis & K. LeVelle (Eds.). Proceedings of the 4th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference. Aug. 2012. (pp. 194-206). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.


Darcy, I., Ewert, D. and Lidster, R. (2012) Bringing pronunciation instruction back into the classroom: An ESL Teachers' pronunciation "toolbox". In J. Levis & K. LeVelle (Eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Sept. 2011. (pp. 93-108). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

Darcy, I., and Krüger, F. (2012). Vowel perception and production in Turkish children acquiring L2 German. Journal of Phonetics, 40, 568-581

Darcy, I., Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R., Glover, J., Kaden, C., McGuire, M., and Scott, J. (2012). Direct Mapping of Acoustics to Phonology: On the lexical encoding of front round vowels in L1 English-L2 French acquisition. Second Language Research, 28, 5-40.
Truckenbrodt, H., & Darcy, I. (2010). Object clauses, movement, and phrasal stress. In L. Rochman & N. Erteschik-Shir (Eds.), The sound patterns of syntax (pp. 189-216). Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press
Darcy, I., Ramus, F., Christophe, A., Kinzler, K., & Dupoux, E. (2009). Phonological knowledge in compensation for native and non-native assimilation. In F. Kügler, C. Féry & R. van de Vijver (Eds.), Variation and Gradience in Phonetics and Phonology (pp. 265-309). Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Teichmann, M., Darcy, I., Bachoud-Lévi, A.-C., & Dupoux, E. (2009). The role of the striatum in phonological processing. Evidence from early stages of Huntington's disease. Cortex, 45(7), 839-849.

Bartels, S., Darcy, I., & Höhle, B. (2009). Schwa Syllables Facilitate Word Segmentation for 9-month-old German-learning Infants. In J. Chandlee et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Vol. 1, pp. 73-84). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Darcy, I. (2008). Representation of Phonological Alternations in a First and a Second Language: A Preliminary Report. In M. Bowles et al. (Eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 2007 Second Language Research Forum (pp. 171-186). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.


Darcy, I., & Kügler, F. (2007). Phonological context effects for voicing and devoicing in French. In J. Trouvain & W. J. Barry (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1257-1260). Saarbrücken.

Darcy, I., Peperkamp, S., & Dupoux, E. (2007). Bilinguals play by the rules. Perceptual compensation for assimilation in late L2-learners. In J. Cole & J. I. Hualde (Eds.), Laboratory Phonology 9 (pp. 411-442). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Conference Presentations


Research presentations (slides/handouts on request if not available here)

Chen, B. & Darcy, I. (2022, June). Effects of Auditory Context on Nonnative Recognition of Reduced Speech: Does Meaning Explain It All? [Poster]. LabPhon18, online.

Phillips, S.; Aguilar, A.; Alt, H.; Darcy, I. (2021, June) Pause for thought (groups): how non-native pausing behavior affects comprehensibility of L2 speech. Paper presented to the 2020 Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference (virtual meeting)

Scott, J. H. G. & Darcy, I. (2020, July) German unassimilated coronal nasals cause reduced inhibition. Poster presented to the 17th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://labphon.org/labphon17/detailed-programme (virtual meeting).

Daidone, D., & Darcy, I. (2020, July) The relationship between second-language lexical encoding accuracy and individual differences in perception, cognitive abilities, and vocabulary size. Poster presented to the 17th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://labphon.org/labphon17/detailed-programme (virtual meeting).

Scott, J. H. G. & Darcy, I. (2020, April) Psycholinguistic evidence for underspecification: German Regressive Nasal Assimilation. Paper accepted at the 26th Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC-26), Athens, GA. https://glac2020.weebly.com/ (Conference canceled)

Rocca, B., Hancock, Z., Lee, S. S., Darcy, I. (2020, April). Improving Pronunciation in Spontaneous Speech: A Comparison of Instructional Method [Paper presentation]. Paper accepted at the TESOL 2020 International Convention & English Language Expo, Denver, Colorado (Conference canceled).

Brian Rocca, Zoie Hancock, & Isabelle Darcy (2019, November) Comparing pronunciation teaching methods. Talk presented at INTESOL 2019, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Rocca, B., Hancock, Z., Lee, S. & Darcy, I. (2019, September) Improving pronunciation in spontaneous speech? A comparison of two instructional methods. Poster presented at PSLLT 2019, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Scott, J. H. G. & Darcy, I. (2019, May) The awfully elusive German language: In search of a property theory of mid and back continuants. Poster presented to the 25th Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC 25), Iowa State University, Iowa City, Iowa.

Park, H. & Darcy, I. (2018, September) Vowel Epenthesis in Korean English Learners' Pronunciation: At the crossroads of perception, mental lexicon, and cognitive abilities. Paper presented to the 10th annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

Gordon, J. & Darcy, I. (2018, September) Teaching Segmentals vs. Suprasegmentals: Different Effects of Explicit Instruction on Comprehensibility. Paper presented to the 10th annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

Darcy, I., & Holliday, J. J. (2018, June) Teaching an old word new tricks: Phonological updates in the L2 mental lexicon. Paper presented to the 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. Lisbon, Portugal.

Scott, J. H. G., & Darcy, I. (2018, May) Phonetic category revision in early L2 German dorsal fricatives. From na�ve listener to beginning learner. Paper presented to the 24th Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC 24). The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Maryland.

Hancock, Z. & Darcy, I. (2018, April) Powerful Pronunciation Instruction: A comparison of two instructional methods. Poster presented to the 2018 Learning Symposium ("Best Practices in Teaching Speaking and Pronunciation"). Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

Simonchyk, A. & Darcy, I. (2017, September) Accurate production in L2: a look behind the scenes. Paper presented to the 9th annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching conference (PSLLT). University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

Darcy, I. & Bedinghaus, R. (2017, June) Rapid lexical updates in a second language: The case of a dialectal variant in L2 Spanish. Poster presented to the Conversational speech and lexical representations Workshop, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Darcy, I. & Bedinghaus, R. (2017, March). Rapid lexical encoding of a dialectal variant in L2 Spanish during study abroad. Paper presented to the Georgetown University Roundtable on Linguistics, Washington, DC. [paper presented by Danielle Daidone]

Simonchyk, A., & Darcy, I. (2016, August). Lexical encoding and perception of palatalized consonants in L2 Russian. Paper presented to the 8th PSLLT Conference, Calgary, Canada.

Darcy, I. & Mora, J.-C. (2016, June) Individual Differences in Executive Function and Phonological Processing: Implications for L2 Speech Acquisition. Special session organized for New Sounds 2016: 8th International Conference on Second-Language Speech. Aarhus University, Denmark.

Darcy, I., Thomas, T., & Alotaibi, A. (2016, June) 'Blue' is a disyllabic word: Perceptual epenthesis in the mental lexicon of second language learners. Paper presented to New Sounds 2016: 8th International Conference on Second-Language Speech. Aarhus University, Denmark.

John H.G. Scott & Isabelle Darcy (2016, June) There Goes the Neighborhood! Avoiding Labels in L2 Phoneme Detection. Paper presented to New Sounds 2016: 8th International Conference on Second-Language Speech. Aarhus University, Denmark.

Scott, J. H. G. & Darcy, I. (2016, April). Where It Is and How It's Writ: Influences on Cross-Language Perceptual Assimilation of German Fricatives. Paper presented to the Sound to Word in Bilingual and Second Language Speech Perception Conference (Sound to Word 2016), Iowa City, IA.

Simonchyk, A. & Darcy, I. (2016, April). The effects of orthography on the lexical encoding of palatalized consonants in L2 Russian. Paper presented to the Sound to Word in Bilingual and Second Language Speech Perception Conference (Sound to Word 2016), Iowa City, IA.

Marquez-Martinez, M., & Darcy, I. (October 2015) Stripping, unpacking, acquiring: the case of nasal vowels in L2 French. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum, Atlanta, Georgia.

Darcy, I. & Mora, J.C. (2015, August) Tongue movement in a second language: the case of Spanish /ei/-/e/ for English learners of Spanish. Paper presented at the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

Hoyniak, C. Bates, J.E., Petersen, I.T., Yang, C.-L., Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2015, June). Deficits in the neural system underlying the processing of vocal fear: A potential biomarker for callous-unemotional behaviours in early childhood. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy Biennial Meeting Chicago, IL, USA.

Fontaine, N.M.G., Ouimet, N., & Darcy, I. (2015, June). Recognition of emotions from facial and vocal expressions: Associations with callous-unemotional traits in a community sample of young adults. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy Biennial Meeting Chicago, IL, USA

Scott, J. H. G. & Darcy, I. (2015, May). Position-sensitive perceptual assimilation of German dorsal fricatives by L1 English pre-learners: The initial state for acquisition of an L2 phonological alternation. Paper presented at the Twenty-First Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC-21), Provo, UT.

Williams, J.T., Darcy, I., & Newman, S.D. (2015, May). Working Memory in Second Language Acquisition Effects of Interlanguage Dynamics and Modality. Paper session presented at the Tenth International Symposium on Bilingualism, New Brunswick, NJ.

Yang, C.-L. & Darcy, I. (2015, April). The effect of the orthographic depth of English vowels and consonants on the learning of free variation in an artificial language. Paper presented at the 51st Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago, IL.

Hoyniak, C., Bates, J.E., Petersen, I.T., Yang, C.-L., Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2015, March). Atypical neural responses to vocal fear are associated with callous and unemotional behaviors in early childhood. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Schaefer, V. & Darcy, I. (2014, September). A communicative approach and dialect exposure enhance pitch accent awareness by learners of Japanese. Paper presented at the 6th annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching conference (PSLLT). University of California Santa Barbara, September 5-6, 2014

Simonchyk, A. & Darcy, I. (2014, September). Acquisition of word final devoicing by American learners of Russian. Paper presented at the 6th annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching conference (PSLLT). University of California Santa Barbara, September 5-6, 2014

Yang, C-L & Darcy, I. (2014, October). Lexical Representation of Free Variants - On the Effect of Orthography on Word Learning. Poster presented to the Ninth International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, October 1-2.

Yang, C-L & Darcy, I. (2014, October). When two become one - Orthography helps link two free variants to one lexical entry. Poster presented to the 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, 27 - 31 October.

Yang, C-L & Darcy, I. (2014, October). The effect of orthography on the learning of vocalic and consonantal free variation. Paper presented to the 33rd annual Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2014). Columbia, SC, October 23-25.

Kojima, C. & Darcy, I. (2014, October) Asymmetric Perception of Consonantal and Vocalic Durational Contrast as L2 Category. Paper presented to the 33rd annual Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2014). Columbia, SC, October 23-25.

Garcia-Amaya, L. & Darcy, I. (2013). Fluency and cognitive resources in the at-home and study abroad contexts: A comparative study. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum 2013, Provo, UT, October 29-November 2.

Yang, C-L & Darcy, I. (2013). The role of orthographic information in the learning of allophonic variation. Paper presented to the166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA, December 4.

Yang, C-L & Darcy, I. (2013). The effect of orthography on the learning of allophonic variation in L2. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum 2013, Provo, UT, October 29-November 2.

Darcy, I. (2013, October). Fuzzy Lexical Representations in a Second Language. Second Language Colloquium, Department of Second Language Studies.

Holliday, J. J. (2013, October). Initial reliance on orthography may hinder accurate L2 production in the long-term. Paper to be presented to the Second Language Research Forum, Provo, UT.

Holliday, J. J. (2013, August). Unexpected accents: Probing the relationship between non-native perception and novice L2. Talk given at Interspeech 2013 Satellite Workshop on Phonetics, Phonology and Language Contact (PPLC 13). Paris, France. August 21, 2013.

Showalter, C. (2013, August). Native English speakers learning Arabic: The influence of novel orthographic information on second language phonological acquisition. Paper presented to the EUROSLA 2013 Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Mora, J.C. & Darcy, I. (2013, August). Inhibition and Phonological Processing in a Second Languag. Paper presented to the EUROSLA 2013 Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Darcy, I., Mora, J.C. & Daidone, D. (2013, May). Phonological Attention Control, Inhibition, and Second Language Speech Learning. Paper presented to the New Sounds 2013 Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Here is a zipped folder containing a couple of audio files we used in the Attention Control Task: Audiofiles_DarcyMoraDaidone_NewSounds2013.zip

Schaefer, V. & Darcy, I. (2013, May). Cross-linguistic perception of Thai tones is shaped by the functional prominence of lexically-contrastive pitch in L1. Paper presented to the New Sounds 2013 Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Garcia-Amaya, L. & Darcy, I. (2013, March). Attention Control in a Study-Abroad context: Longitudinal data from L2 learners of Spanish. Paper presented to AAAL, Dallas, TX.

Darcy, I., Daidone, D., & Kojima, C. (2012, October) Asymmetric Lexical Access in Second Language Learners. Poster presented to the Eighth International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Montreal, Canada.

Schaefer, V. & Darcy, I. (2012, October). Cross-linguistic perception of Thai tones. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA.

Kojima, C. & Darcy, I. (2012, October). Learners' Proficiency and Lexical Encoding of the Geminate / Non-geminate Contrast in Japanese. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA.

Daidone, D. & Darcy, I. (2012, October). Quierro comprar una guitara: Lexical encoding of /r/ vs. /rr/ by L2 learners of Spanish. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA.

Gordon, J., Darcy, I., & Ewert, D. (2012, August). Pronunciation Teaching and Learning: Effects of Explicit Phonetic Instruction in the L2 Classroom. Poster presented to the 4th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Schaefer, V. & Darcy, I. (2012, July). Cross-linguistic perception of Thai tones. Poster presented to the 13th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. Stuttgart, Germany

Darcy, I., Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., Daidone, D., Kaden, C., Krüger, F., & Scott, J. H. G. (2012, April). Asymmetric development in lexical encoding of L1-English L2-German Front Rounded Vowels. Paper presented to the 18th Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN.

Gordon, J. & Darcy, I. (2012, March). The development of comprehensible speech in L2 learners. Effects of explicit pronunciation instruction on segmentals and suprasegmentals. Paper presented to AAAL, Boston, MA.

Darcy, I., Park, H., Yang, C.-L., and Gleiser, A. (2012, March). Individual differences in the development of L2 phonological processing: The contribution of cognitive abilities and executive function. Poster presented to the 1st Conference on Sources of Individual Linguistic Differences. Ottawa, Canada.

Darcy, I., Ewert, D. & Lidster, R. (2011, September). Bringing pronunciation instruction back into the classroom. Paper presented to the 3d Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Ames, IA.

Darcy, I., Park, H. & Yang, C-L. (2011, October). Underlying sources of individual differences: Cognitive abilities in L2 phonological development. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum, Ames, IA.

Park, H., Darcy, I. & Yang, C-L. (2011, May). Underlying sources of individual differences: Cognitive abilities in L2 phonological development. Poster presented to the 161st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA.

Darcy, I. & Krüger, F. (2010, July). Vowel perception and production in Turkish children acquiring L2 German. Poster presented to the 11th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. Albuquerque, NM.

Darcy, I., Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., Glover, J., Kaden, C., McGuire, M., Schaefer, V. & Scott, J. H. G. (2009, November). The contours of lexico-phonological dissociation in English-French interlanguage. Poster presented to the 34th Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA.

Darcy, I., Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., Glover, J., Kaden, C., McGuire, M., Schaefer, V. & Scott, J. H. G. (2009, October). Lexical encoding of new phonological categories: An English-French interlanguage lexico-phonological study. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum, East Lansing, MI.

Rose, M. & Darcy, I. (2009, October). Cross-language identification of Spanish consonants in English. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum, East Lansing, MI.

Darcy, I., Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., Glover, J., Kaden, C., McGuire, M., Schaefer, V. & Scott, J. H. G. (2009, May). Category formation and lexical encoding of a new contrast. Poster presented to The Acoustical Society of America's 2nd Special Workshop on Speech: Cross-language speech perception and variation in linguistic experience. Portland, OR.

Miller, J. D., Sillings, R., Watson, C. S., Darcy, I., & Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2009, May). Experience with computerized speech-perception training (SPATS-ESL) for speakers of other languages learning English. Paper presented to The Acoustical Society of America's 2nd Special Workshop on Speech: Cross-language speech perception and variation in linguistic experience. Portland, OR.

Park, H., De Jong, K., & Darcy, I. (2008, November). The amount of information needed for listeners to detect a foreign accent. Poster presented to the 156th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Miami, FL.
Note: this paper was selected by the Acoustical Society of America World Wide Press Room to be presented to the public because of its particular relevance for the general interest. The lay-language version is available under http://www.acoustics.org/press/156th/park.html

Bartels, S., Darcy, I. & Höhle, B. (2008, October) Schwa syllables facilitate word segmentation for 9-month-old German-learning infants. Paper presented to the 33rd Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA.

Miller, J. D., Sillings, R., Watson, C. S., Darcy, I., & Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2008, June-July). Computerized assessment and training of the perception of American English (AE) speech sounds by adult learners of English. Poster presented to ACOUSTICS 2008, Paris, France

Darcy, I. (2008, June) Acquisition of the context-dependant [ç]-[x] alternation at 9 and 13 months in German infants. Poster presented to the Child Phonology Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

Darcy, I. (2007, October). Representation of phonological alternations in a first and a second language. Poster presented to the Mid-Continental Workshop On Phonology (McWOP) Conference, Columbus, OH.

Darcy, I. (2007, October). Representation of phonological alternations in a first and a second language. Poster presented to the Second Language Research Forum, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Bartels, S., Darcy, I. & Höhle, B. (2007, August). Do German 9-month-olds use schwa-syllables as a cue to word endings? Paper presented to the British Psychological Society Developmental Section Conference, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom.

Darcy, I. & Kügler, F. (2007, August). Phonological context effects for voicing and devoicing in French. Poster presented to the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Darcy, I. (2006, October). Evidence for specific prelexical phonological processing in compensation for assimilation. Paper presented to the Phonetics & Phonology 3 Conference, Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung IMS, Stuttgart, Germany.

Szenkovits, G., Darma, L., Darcy, I. & Ramus, F. (2006, June). Phonological grammar in developmental dyslexia. Poster presented to the 10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Paris, France

Teichmann, M., Darcy, I., Dupoux, E. & Bachoud-Lévi, A.-C. (2006, January). The role of the striatum in phonological processing. Evidence from early stages of Huntington's disease. Poster presented to the Twenty-fourth European workshop on cognitive neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy

Darcy, I., Dupoux, E. & Peperkamp, S. (2005, September). Bilinguals play by the rules: perceptual compensation for assimilation in late L2-learners. Paper presented to the 2nd MAP Workshop, Potsdam, Germany

Darcy, I. (2004, June). Perceptual learning and plasticity in L2-learners: building a new system for phonological processes. Paper presented to the 9th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Darcy, I. & Dupoux, E. (2003, June). Compensation for phonological variations and acquisition of phonological rules : monolingual and bilingual results. Paper presented to the 5th annual meeting GDR Phonologie, Montpellier, France

Darcy, I. (2002, October). La compensation des variations phonologiques dans le langage parlé : résultats mono- et bilingues. Poster presented to the Journée du Réseau de Sciences Cognitives d'Ile de France, Paris, France

Darcy, I. (2002, May). Crosslinguistic study of compensation for phonological variation. Poster presented to the 10th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom

Darcy, I. (2002, April). Online processing of phonological variation in speech comprehension: The case of assimilation. Poster presented to the ISCA Workshop on Temporal Integration in the Perception of Speech, Aix-en-Provence, France (http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/~tips/)
Plenaries and Keynotes

Darcy, I. (2019, June) Improving pronunciation in spontaneous speech? A comparison of two instructional methods (with Zoie Hancock, Joshua Lee & Brian Rocca). Plenary address for the L2 Pronunciation Research Workshop: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice. University of Barcelona, Spain.

Darcy, I. (2017, September) "A psycholinguist walks into a classroom�": A road-map for bridging research and practice in pronunciation teaching. Plenary address to the 9th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Sept. 1, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

Darcy, I. (2015, June) Powerful and effective pronunciation instruction: how can we achieve it? Closing address for the MA Program in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, June 5, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.

Darcy, I. (2015, April) Lexical function of pitch in the first language shapes cross-linguistic perception of Thai tones. Invited keynote speaker. Mini Workshop on prosodic aspects of language learning. Institut für Linguistik, April 20, Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Darcy, I. (2014, November) Inhibiting your native language can help you learn the phonology of a second: The relationship between cognitive abilities and phonological skills. Invited keynote speaker. Workshop "Linguistic and psycholinguistic studies in L2 Phonology", November 22, Stuttgart, Germany.
Invited lectures and colloquia (slides/handouts on request)

Darcy, I. (2022, February) Teaching an old word new tricks? Phonological updates in the bilingual mental lexicon. Invited talk for the Institute of Communication, Language and the Brain Speaker Series. Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Darcy, I. (2021, January) Qualtrics Essentials: A workshop. Second Language Studies Departmental Colloquium, Indiana University, Bloomington.

Darcy, I., & Rocca, B. (2020, November) A Window into the Classroom: How Teachers Integrate Pronunciation Instruction. Second Language Studies Departmental Colloquium, Indiana University, Bloomington.

Darcy, I. (2020, March) Learning to forget? Phonological updates in the bilingual mental lexicon. Invited talk for the Northwestern University Cognitive Science Program speaker series. March 3, 2020. Northwestern University, Evanston.

Rocca, B., Hancock, Z., Lee, S. & Darcy, I. (2020, March) Comparing pronunciation teaching methods: Communicative vs. non-communicative instruction. Second Language Studies Departmental Colloquium, Indiana University, Bloomington.

Darcy, I., Hancock, Z., Rocca, B., & Lee, S. (2019, November) Improving pronunciation in spontaneous speech? A comparison of two instructional methods. Second Language Studies Departmental Colloquium, Indiana University, Bloomington.

Darcy, I. (2019, April) Learning to forget: phonological updates in the bilingual mental lexicon. Invited speaker, 4th Second Language Acquisition Instruction & Research Workshop. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Darcy, I. (2019, April) Pronunciation teaching: what we know and what we'd like to know. Invited speaker, 4th Second Language Acquisition Instruction & Research Workshop. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Darcy, I., with Charles Lin, Chung-Lin Yang, Chien-Han Hsiao, & Joshua Lee (2018, November) When blue is a disyllabic word: An ERP study of perceptual epenthesis in the mental lexicon of second language learners. Language and Cognition Lab Colloquium Series, Indiana University, Bloomington.

Darcy, I. & Holliday, J. J. (2018, September) Are phonological updates in the L2 mental lexicon perceptually driven? Invited paper, 10th annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. September 6-8, 2018

Darcy, I. (2018, June) Executive functions and L2 phonological development: a study in multiplicity. SimPhon.Net Workshop 5 ("Psycholinguistic, cognitive and neurolinguistic modeling in phonetics and phonology"), University of Stuttgart / Stuttgart Research Focus (SRF) Language and Cognition.

Darcy, I. (2017, March) Perception and the multilingual mind. Cewit Faculty Salon, Indiana University

Darcy, I. & Simonchyk, A. (2016, April) Misplaced Orthographies: The effect of non-local orthographic information on speech perception and lexical encoding in a second language. Invited panelist paper, Sound to Word 2016, University of Iowa, Iowa City.

Darcy, I. (2015, October) Executive functions predict individual differences in second language phonological processing. Talks in Linguistics (TiL) speaker series, Department of Linguistics, October 2, 2015, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Darcy, I. (2015, June) Powerful and effective pronunciation instruction: how can we achieve it? Closing address for the MA Program in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, June 5, 2015, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.

Darcy, I. (2015, April) Lexical function of pitch in the first language shapes cross-linguistic perception of Thai tones. Invited keynote speaker. "Mini Workshop on prosodic aspects of language learning". Institut für Linguistik, April 20, 2015, Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Darcy, I. (2015, April) Empirical methods in L2 phonology research. Invited presenter in the Workshop "Tutorials on Empirical Methods in Language Research" for the Master in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. April 7-8, 2015, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.

Darcy, I. (2014, November) Inhibiting your native language can help you learn the phonology of a second: The relationship between cognitive abilities and phonological skills. Invited keynote speaker. Workshop "Linguistic and psycholinguistic studies in L2 Phonology", November 21-22, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany.

Darcy, I. (2014, March) "They sound the same, but I know they are different". Dissociated mechanisms for phonetic and lexical learning in a second language. Department of Linguistics, March 10, 2014, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Mora, J.-C., & Darcy, I. (2013, July) Assessing individual differences in cognitive ability through speech-based tasks. Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS), July 19, 2013, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Darcy, I. (2011, June). Vowel perception and production in Turkish children acquiring L2 German. IDEA Zentrum, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)

Darcy, I. (2011, March). Individual differences in acquisition of second language Phonology. Department of Linguistics, University of Utah

Darcy, I. (2010, October). Individual differences in acquisition of second language Phonology. Speech and Hearing Science Colloquium, Indiana University Bloomington

Darcy, I. (2008, December). Acquisition of new phonemic categories and the establishment of lexical contrasts. Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Darcy, I. (2008, March). Nature and scope of phonological knowledge in a first and a second language. Insight from phonological alternations. Indiana University Linguistics Club Colloquium Series, 28, 2008.

Darcy, I. (2006, December). Evidence for specific prelexical phonological processing in compensation for assimilation. Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung IMS, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Darcy, I. (2006, February) Bilinguals play by the rules: perceptual compensation for assimilation in late L2-learners. Linguistics Colloquium, University of Köln, Germany.

Darcy, I. (2004, May). Règles phonologiques et maladie de Huntington. Hopital Henri Mondor, Service de Neurologie, Professeur A.C. Bachoud-Levi, Créteil, France.

Darcy, I. (2003, November). La compétence phonologique: concepts centraux de la phonologie et approches psycholinguistiques. Département d'études cognitives, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.

Darcy, I. (2002, February). Compensation for phonological variation: monolingual and bilingual results. Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.

Darcy, I. (2002, February) Compensation for variations in spoken language: do phonological rules play a role? Department of Linguistic and Cognitive Science, Brown University, Providence, USA.

Dissertations completed in the lab


Danielle Daidone (2020) 'How learners remember words in their second language: The impact of individual differences in perception, cognitive abilities, and vocabulary size'. Defense date: April 2020

John Rothgerber (2020) 'The Influence of Native Language Phonotactics on Second Language Lexical Representation in Japanese Learners of English'. Defense date: April 2020

John H.G. Scott (2019) 'Phonemic and Phonotactic Inference in Early Interlanguage: Americans Learning German Fricatives in L2 Acquisition'. Defense date: May 3, 2019. Full text available on ProQuest under the number #13878342.

Chisato Kojima (2019) 'Lexical Encoding of Length Contrasts in Learners of Japanese as a Second Language'. Defense date: March 2019

Ala Simonchyk (2017) 'The interactions between perception, production, lexical encoding and orthography in the acquisition of palatalization in Russian'. Department of Second Language Studies, Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures Indiana University. Defense date: May 4, 2017

Joshua Williams (2017). '"Modality Adaptation Hypothesis": Neurocognitive alterations to novel visuospatial components of sign language during initial acquisition in adulthood'. Co-Chair with Prof. Sharlene Newman, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Defense date: March 31, 2017.

Miguel Marquez-Martinez (2016). The Acquisition of French Nasal Vowels: From First Language Allophony To Second Language Phonological Contrast. (Co-Chair with Laurent Dekydtspotter). Departments of French and Italian, Second Language Studies, Indiana University. Defense date: October 14, 2016

Aaron Albin (2015). Typologizing native language influence on intonation in a second language: Three transfer phenomena in Japanese EFL learners. Defense Date: May 14, 2015

Rob Bedinghaus (2015). The effect of exposure to phonological variation on perceptual categorization and lexical access in second language Spanish: the case of /s/-aspiration in Western Andalusian Spanish. Defense date: May 4, 2015

Vance Schaefer (2015). Influence of the first and second language on the perception of Thai tones. Department of Second Language Studies, Indiana University. Defense date: October 5, 2015

Chung-Lin Yang (2015). Phonological variations and L2 word learning: The role of orthography in word recognition and production. Department of Linguistics, Second Language Studies, Indiana University. Defense date: March 10, 2015

Joshua Gordon (2015). Teaching and Learning L2 pronunciation: A closer look at classroom and extra-classroom factors in the development of intelligibility in ESL learners. Department of Second Language Studies, Indiana University. Defense date: December 17, 2014

Terrin Tamati (2014). Individual and Group differences in the perception of regional dialect variation in a second language. Departments of Linguistics, Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University. Defense date: June 20, 2014

Lorenzo Garcia-Amaya (2012). Second language fluency and cognition: The study of Spanish second language development in an overseas immersion program and an at-home foreign language classroom. (Co-Chair with Kimberly Geeslin). Departments of Spanish and Portuguese, Second Language Studies, Indiana University. Defense date: April 23, 2012


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