[ Second language psycholinguistics ]




Lab Director

Isabelle Darcy is Professor of Second Language Studies. In 2003, she obtained her Ph.D. in Linguistics and Cognitive Science from the EHESS in Paris and from Mainz University in Germany.

Her specialization is in second language phonology, speech perception, spoken word recognition, the bilingual mental lexicon, and pronunciation instruction

Link to CV (2024) | idarcy at iu (dot) edu

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Ph.D. Students

Matthew Ajibade
Theoretical phonololgy, L2 phonology, Yoruba Heritage speakers, L2 Yoruba

Link to info | maajibad at iu (dot) edu

Hunter Brakovec
Second Language Studies
Mental lexicon, orthography, perception-production link, syntax-prosody, L3 acquisition

Link to Hunter's website | hzbrakov at iu (dot) edu

Bihua Chen
Second Language Studies
L2 Phonology, bottom-up listening skills, Assessment

Link to info | bc1 at iu (dot) edu

Eric Chen
Second Language Studies
L2 Phonology, vowels, tones, and intonation

Link to Eric's website | pinychen at iu (dot) edu

Jane A. Gilbert
Department of French & Italian
L2 phonology, language processing, second language prosody, neurolinguistic methods.

Link to Jane's website and her IU website
| janegilb at iu (dot) edu

Stacey Hanson
Spanish and Portuguese
Dialect acquisition in L2, language variation, L2 Spanish phonology

Link to info and her website | stahans at iu (dot) edu

Keiji Iwamoto
Second Language Studies
Japanese phonology, language change, L2 phonology

Link to Keiji's website | kiwamoto @ iu (dot) edu

Franziska Krueger
Second Language Studies & Germanic Studies
Child L2 phonology, category formation, Second Language Dialect (D2) Acquisition

Link to Franzi's profile | fkruger at iu (dot) edu

Nora McNamara
Second Language Studies
Pronunciation instruction, teacher training, psycholinguistic approaches to pronunciation

Link to info | normcnam at iu (dot) edu

Isaiah O'Bryon
Second Language Studies
MA student, L2 phonology

Link to info |

Sadi Phillips
Second Language Studies
Pronunciation instruction, L2 phonology

Link to info | sadiphil at iu (dot) edu

Tory Robinson
Second Language Studies
Mental lexicon, phonolexical representations, L2 phonology

Link to info | toryrobi at iu (dot) edu

Brian Rocca
Second Language Studies
Pronunciation instruction, L2 phonology, Phonolexical updates

Link to Brian's website | brocca at iu (dot) edu

Yuri Sibucks
Second Language Studies
L2 phonology, Bilingual lexical access, L2 phonotactics

Link to info | ysibucks at iu (dot) edu

Other lab members and undergraduate students

John Rothgerber
Second Language Studies
L2 Japanese, L2 English for Japanese learners, consonant clusters, geminate contrasts, lexical encoding, pronunciation instruction

Link to info | rothgerj at indiana (dot) edu

Collaborators and lab alumni (and affiliation [with date of information])

2017-present Zoie Hancock, Michigan State University [2022]
2017-present Joshua Lee, PhD student in Linguistics, University of Massachussetts [2020]
2012-present Dr. Ryan Lidster, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington [2023]
2012-present Dr. Danielle Daidone, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington [2020]
2009-present Dr. Chisato Kojima, Assistant Professor, Illinois Wesleyan University [2020]
2008-present Dr. John H.G. Scott, Lecturer, University of Maryland [2023]
2008-present Dr. Chung-Lin Yang, Lecturer, University of Rochester [2020]
2014-present Dr. Jeffrey Holliday, Assistant Professor, University of Kansas [2023]
2012-present Dr. Joan C. Mora, Professor, English Department, Universitat de Barcelona [2020]
2014-2019 Dr. Yu-Jung Lin[2019]
2016-2018 Dr. Sara Zahler, Assistant professor, State University of New York, Albany [2019]
2015-2017 Trisha B. Thomas, Post-doctoral Researcher, Harvard University Learning Media Lab [2024]
2013-2017 Haily Merritt, Ph.D. student, Indiana University [2019]
2015-2017 Pyoung-Hwa Han, Linguist List & Cognitive Science Program [2017]
2013-2017 Dr. Ala I. Simonchyk, Instructional Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi [2019]
2013-2017 Dr. Joshua T. Williams, Sr. User Experience Researcher, Bose corp., Boston, MA [2018]
2008-2016 Dr. Miguel A. Marquez Martinez, Spanish Lecturer at Universidade Estadual da Paraiba, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil [2016]
2008-2015 Dr. Vance Schaefer, Associate Professor, University of Mississippi [2022]
2009-2015 Dr. Aaron Albin, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University [2015] (see also http://cls.psu.edu/people/albina)
2012-2014 Dr. Terrin Tamati, Researcher at dB SPL Lab, University of Groningen, Netherlands [2018]
2012-2014 Cate Showalter, Assistant professor, Northeastern University [2018]
2009-2014 Dr. Joshua Gordon, Assistant professor, Northern Iowa University [2020]
2012-2013 Jacob Lindsey, Translator, Ulm - Germany [2019]
2008-2012 Dr. Lorenzo Garcia-Amaya, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan [2020]
2010-2012 Andrew Gleiser, Aeropay [2023]
2010 Kate Nearing, Michigan Tech: kmnearin at mtu (dot) edu [2011]
2009-2010 Dr. Marda Rose, Department of World Languages, The Bishop's School [2020]
2007-2008 Dr. Hanyong Park , Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee [2020]



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People News

[December 2024] Congratulations to Dr. Franziska Krueger who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled : "From Bordeaux to Porto in second dialect learning: The acquisition of a new phonological contrast by Upper Saxon German speakers." Department of Second Language Studies and Department of Germanic Studies. Defense date: December 18, 2024. Franzi works at Indiana University as Curriculum Director of the Summer Language Workshop. Congrats Franzi!

[August 2024] Congratulations to Dr. Matthew Ajibade who successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled : "The effects of native language experience on the phonological perception of complex labial-velar stops." Department of Linguistics. Defense date: August 19, 2024. Matthew works at Indiana University as a lecturer in Yoruba. Congrats Matthew!

[July 2024] Congratulations to Bihua Chen who has been awarded an NSF Dissertation Grant for her study : "Restoration of Unreduced Forms in Nonnative Perception of Reduced Speech". Congratulations Bihua!

[July 2024] Congratulations to Keiji Iwamoto who has been awarded a Language Learning Grant for his dissertation research, as well as an IU-Waseda Exchange grant to collect data in Japan! Congratulations Keiji!

[July 2024] Congratulations to Eric Chen who has been awarded a Talent Grant from the Taiwanese Government for his dissertation research. Congratulations Eric!

[April 2024] Congratulations to Tory Robinson who has been awarded a Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (SoTL) Grant for our study : "Perceptual Training for All? Training L2 Spanish phonetics and attention control in the language classroom". Congratulations Tory!