README.txt Results of the validation study (96 participants): mergedData_Aug23.19 Note: There should be 42306 lines of results (and 1 header line) in your file. If not, data has been cut off. Try re-downloading the file in a different format. List which list was used (out of 4) stimulus which wave file was heard (format: a_AG_12_2 = emotion_actress_stimnumber_token) emotion code for which emotion (1=a, 2=d, 3=f, 4=h, 5=n, 6=s) speaker actress item stimulus number (out of 73) token stimuli were read twice. This is the token number, first or second. Some were read more than twice, for which we use 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b. accuracy_all accuracy coding for all trials acc_selected accuracy coding for only those trials for which there is a valid RT response actual button chosen as response (numbers code the emotion chosen) goodness confidence (goodness) value selected, for all trials goodness_selected confidence (goodness) value selected, for only those trials that have a valid RT reactionTime reaction time on this trial RT_outlierremoved reaction time on this trial, but only for valid RTs (other datapoints removed) LogRT_outlierremoved log-transformed reaction time for this trial (only contains datapoints with valid RT) ID subject code notes whether we noted anything about this subject or testing session ND neurocognitive disorder suspected based on self report CC cause for concern (non-native, not born nor grew up in US, parents nonnative etc.) BP button press. Some versions tested after summer 2016 experienced issues with button display. We can't figure out for which trials but we noted this as a global note for this person NA nothing to report in terms of notes.